Take Heart is a film-led campaign supporting the movement to eliminate Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) in Australia
Join us and our impact partners as we fight to prevent RHD now and eliminate it by 2030.
Take Heart is a film-led advocacy campaign that has been committed to eliminating RHD (Rheumatic Heart Disease) in Australia for over a decade.
During this time, we have seen huge improvements in general awareness of RHD, alongside the establishment of dozens of community-led programs offering hope for the future.
However, at least 2 young people die from this preventable disease in Australia every week. Most of these young people identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders. Tragically, Rheumatic Heart Disease has the greatest negative impact on the life-expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
Join us as we fight to eliminate RHD by 2030.
To start please subscribe to this YouTube Channel, like and share the content generously. Adding comments will help these films be more broadly seen.
Whether your family has been here for 5 years, 5 generations or 50,000 generations, you can stand with us and call for urgent action against this preventable disease.
Be part of this story. With your support, we can prevent RHD now and eliminate the disease in Australia by 2030.
Rheumatic Heart Disease causes permanent damage to the heart. It results from a throat or skin infection caused by Strep A bacteria and if not managed properly, it can lead to heart failure, disability and premature death. It is also entirely preventable.
Along with our impact partners, we will be using Take Heart: Deadly Heart as a tool to campaign for funding the community-led RHD prevention programs that are known to work.
You can spread the word about
Rheumatic Heart Disease and the solutions
that work by hosting an event screening of
the film for your friends, family and community.
Let’s prevent RHD now and eliminate the disease by 2030.
Stand with us and join the campaign
to eliminate RHD in Australia by 2030.
See the progress being made by communities and health workers to prevent and treat RHD.